Linggo, Setyembre 11, 2011

The Fierce Wife

I got hooked on this Taiwanese Drama (influenced by my boyfriend's mom).

The story is all about a happy family and soon destroyed by a psycho girl (which is the cousin of the wife). The wife's cousin and the husband established an affair and soon the wife discovered it. The two got divorced and then the husband and the mistress continues their affair. They even live in the wife's house. The wife was hurt and it really broke her heart. But his boss (Mr. Blue) helped her to become confident and stand on her own feet. He trained her to become more beautiful, elegant and to boost her self-esteem.

Soon the husband lost his job, lost everything and only remained to him was his mistress. The mistress seek help to several psychiatrists and then she found the best talk (therapy) to Mr. Blue's mom (Mr. Blue is the mistress's ex boyfriend). She realized she doesn't even know how to love so he broke up with the husband, leaving him nothing while his ex wife is happy.

The mistress was headed back to the states with her mom, not knowing them all that she is pregnant. I'm glad she kept it to herself.

The ex husband lost everything because he committed a mistake and it ruined his life BIG TIME! 
I have this one of my favorite parts in the drama. Here's the link: THE FIERCE WIFE
In this video, the husband was begging for a day to get back in the past where the wife is cooking while he plays with their daughter. At first I thought that the wife will give him the chance. But she was brave and strong not to let the ex husband's request happen. She even said that she cannot go back to the past. 

The most unforgettable scenes in the drama:
*When the wife slaps her cousin in the office where the husband and the mistress is working
*When the husband and the mistress make love on the wife's bed. It is unforgettable because it was disrespectful and disgusting. They show totally no respect for the wife. After the wife found out the mess on her bed, she quickly removed the mattress and the bedding and donated it to a charity. She cleaned the bed's surface as if some virus has covered it.
*When the husband and the mistress were having arguments, most especially when they saw the transformation of the wife. 
*When the husband became miserable and useless at all.
*When the husband said to his ex wife that it is unnecessary for a change and he likes the old character of the ex-wife, and the ex-wife said to him that she never ask for his opinions and she never want any.
*When Mr. Blue confesses his feelings to the wife and then she always thought it was a joke :))
*When the ex-wife refused to give a chance to her ex-husbands request for one ordinary day in the past.

I have read some comments on the website and they don't like the ending. In the end of the drama, the An Zhen (the wife) fall in line for the autograph signing of Mr. Blue's book. She again offer a hand shake to Mr. Blue and the he asks if this hand shake was still a sign the he has no chance at her, she just smiled and then they shake hands, leaving the question unanswered. 

I think I like the open ending, where viewers can think of what will be the end for the An Zhen. At least the drama created options for the wives in real life who suffer the same as An Zhen, they can have choices of paths to take and we all knew, that whatever path we choose, it is what we hoped for, it is what happiness means to us.

I really admire all the actors and actresses who portrays each role for them.

I suggest you guys to watch it whenever you have free time.
Ciao :>


There are many points I wanted to share about. I don't think its nice to broadcast them online but I have few readers so I don't mind :P Anyways, information are not highly confidential as some thought.
Well, school matters have never been good to me. I got three 'sure' subjects and it makes me feel weak. I have to enroll at least 5 subjects acquire their traditional 'discount' or else tuition fee + miscellaneous will cost super high (I think so). So I was quite pissed for the two non consecutive days I checked schedules @ school. I am considering (1% considerate) of transferring to a different branch because I believe they have more open subjects which I can freely enroll. I can't afford to not graduate this school year. I want the life after school, job-full or jobless. I am excited to plan things after schooling. Either take master's degree or take some training or apply for a job. Regardless of what I will going to do after schooling, I am very excited.

I will  be satisfied if I finished schooling within the end of this school year, but I will be happy, very happy if Aldrix will accomplish it too :>
 But now what I am hoping for is to get at least 5 or 6 subjects to acquire this coming trimester. I also wish he could enroll 30 units and above.
And so I also needed to have at least half the total OJT hours to enroll 'Capstone Project', but I never think I could surpass the stress that subject will cause me XD
My previous blog discussed about my boyfriend selling his dslr lens, now he is having second thought to it. I will also feel regretful if the lens will be gone. :D So as of now, the selling status will be 'on-hold' as he said. :>
Ciao :>

Miyerkules, Setyembre 7, 2011

af-s dx nikkor 35mm f/1.8g FOR SALE!

Okay. So my boyfriend bought this camera lens last year before December as a Christmas gift to himself. We bought it somewhere in Quiapo, a place called Hidalgo St. (where cameras and other stuffs for cameras are being sold in several stores there). I think its the second time we have gone there before he finally decided to buy one. I forgot the exact price he paid, maybe I'll edit this post as soon I get the information.

Lens's picture:

The lens's performance has stunned me (though I'm not a camera-geek).

It will be nice to post some sample pictures. I have to get some from him :D

Now he decided to sell the lens (af-s dx nikkor 35mm f/1.8g) because he changed priorities in terms of his enthusiasms. He is now car/racing addict. The money he'll get from selling the lens will be spent on some car parts modification. He even consider selling his Nikon D3000 to acquire more money, of course it will be headed for car parts stuffs.

Well, if you might get interested, I posted an ad to 
Here is the link: AF-S DX NIKKOR 35MM f/1.8g

If you want to have an easy communication with me, just send me an email through or

Ciao :>

Martes, Setyembre 6, 2011

Synchronized Driving

I'm not a car or racing enthusiast. I got this amusement from my boyfriend. He's really addicted to cars (especially racing cars). He had shared several videos of car driving tricks, and we discussed those tru chatting.

I am familiar to synchronized swimming, but it is the first time to hear synchronized driving, and it's very astig!!! As in!! You should go watch it too!

New blog!!

Yes! I finally created a new blog aside from tumblr.
There are so many things to see and to reblog on tumblr but I want a blog that's more on like I'm talking to someone or make chismis to someone (but not that offensive)

Still the blog name is temporary as I don't have good ideas by this time.
Maybe tomorrow or the other day.

Speaking of tomorrow, it will be like a judgment day tomorrow. I have to get my grade slip to enlist subjects for the second trimester. I feel so tensed. For the whole time that I am studying, the last trimester is the most difficult trimester I have ever surpassed. (Or I don't even know if my grades are passed)

Last trimester I managed to do an Attendance and Payroll system (required for our SAD Subject). It is like a thesis subject, but perhaps the preparation to thesis (or capstone project). I also managed to do most of the documentation (95% perhaps)

And so, I am nervous of the results. I wish my grades are well for tomorrow.

For the meantime, this blog will be under construction. I want personalized blog theme (I'm an IT student so it will be an enjoying part of blogging).

All be well for the rest of the world, and for the rest of the bloggers and people and everything. :>
Good night fellas. :)